Website Design and Development

Indig Design is Edmonton’s Creative Services Studio.
We develop your website with you, telling your story and
converting clicks into qualified leads.

Engage your customers and keep them coming back.

Customized Website Design

Website designs are fluid. They constantly change, from design concepts to the content right on the site. Every business is unique, and so should your website.
Stand apart from the mediocre. Be different. Be progressive.

At Indig Design, we listen to you. We study your competitors. We analyze your market. We develop your website design strategy to engage and convert your ideal customer.  

Indig Design - Team on target

It’s your business . . . but it’s THEIR experience.

How a well designed website affects your business

Websites are complex, and a well designed website is a worthy investment that can generate outstanding profit for your business.

A well designed website is your opportunity to set the first impression. Your site visitor makes an assessment in less than 7 seconds, so you have to perform.

Your site design must engage immediately. You don’t get a second chance. Don’t waste your money bringing visitors to your site, only to have them leave and increase your bounce rate (or worse, go to your competitor). The longer a visitor stays on your website, the more likely they’ll become your customer.

They’re already on your website … let’s give them a reason to stay.

Reputation Management

A well designed website that offers up-to-date, current information, striking visuals, and brand consistency builds your brand’s trust.

Clean and simple design encourages browsing, and the longer a visitor stays on your site, the more trust in your brand’s reputation becomes established.

Stand Out From Your Competitors

Do you know what your competitors strengths and weaknesses are? What about your business?

We’ll study your competitors online presence and determine strategies that make your business stand out. Do you provide better products, unique services, faster shipping?

An effective website design shows your visitor why they should become your customer.

Indig Design - eCommerce Web Design

Reach More Clients

A responsive website design scales your site to the size of device being used. More and more people are using their mobile devices to do business, and if your website doesn’t respond, neither will your visitor.

A mobile responsive website is a non-negotiable design element. Search engines demand it to maintain your search rankings, and your visitors will be more likely to stick around and convert.

Web Design Services

Indig Design provides custom website development to Edmonton and Alberta area businesses, professionals, artists, associations, and not-for-profit organizations. Designing websites with your business goals and customer satisfaction are at the top of our list. Our website designs are responsive and effective. Engage your customers, stimulate traffic and cultivate your brand. Build value with sustainable technology, clean design and Indig Design’s exceptional service. Drive conversions and turn prospects into customers.

Contact us for an estimate. We’d be happy to talk with you about:

  • Planning and strategy sessions.

  • Develop a roadmap to assist with the design process.

  • Content planning, writing and creation. Develop and collect appropriate content that makes your business stand out.

  • Visual website design UI/UX. Your website design comes to life with the user interface and user experience.


Sell your products online with our industry leading storefronts. Secure order processing, subscriptions, memberships and more. Whether you stock products, drop-ship, offer services or digital downloads, our e-commerce solutions will give you the tools you need to get your business online and selling FAST.
Use integrations such as ShipStation for enhanced automated shipping services or offer AfterPay so your customers can buy now and pay later. If you sell one product or 30 thousand, Indig Design’s e-commerce websites will increase leads, conversions and sales.

  • Sell almost any product (physical or digital) or service (10 to 30,000 or more)

  • Offer coupons or promo codes

  • Gift cards

  • Subscriptions

  • Secure payment collection with all major credit cards, plus PayPal integration
    and buy now pay later with Afterpay (coming soon).

  • Multiple shipping options

Indig Design for Entrance Ranch

Website Maintenance Packages
Choose a Monthly Plan for Ongoing Updates

Once your website is complete and launched, have you thought about ongoing maintenance, changes and regular updates?
You can maintain your website yourself, but most people are just too busy with running their business. It can be difficult to find the time to maintain your website.
Broken links, outdated images and information, and new products and services should be attended to to keep your business or organization
on the main stage.
We can help you with the website chores. Choose a plan and be assured that your website will remain current, relevant and producing like it should.
Our website maintenance packages are like hiring a dedicated staff member, but at a fraction of the cost.

Indig Design Maintenance Packages

(Prices shown are based on a one year subscription. Month to month plans are also available. All plans are monitored in 15 minute increments)
(*Unused time is not accumulative and does not roll over to the next month)